Lecturers: M. Sc. Fabian Kern, M. Sc. Georges P. Schmartz, M. Sc. Tobias Fehlmann
Tutors: Kijin Kim, Matthias Flotho
General Information
In this course we will teach programming in C++. This course is not intended to serve as an introduction for general programming. We expect that the Bioinformatics Master students taking this course are already proficient in programming.
The number of participants is initially limited to 40. Since this course is intended for Bioinformatics Master students, these students will be prioritized in case we have too many participants.
NEWS: Results of the first and re-exam have been published in our Moodle! Thank you all for being part of the 2020/21 iteration of the course.
Credit Points
This course is credited with 5CP for Bioinformatics (master) students.
Computer Science students can get either 5CP or 6CP (if they decide to do some extra work, like an additional assignment, short seminar, or small project).
Recommended Literature
- For Beginners:
- Stroustrup: Programming — Principles and Practice Using C++
- Breymann: Der C++ Programmierer (German only)
- Advanced Reading:
- Meyers: Effective Modern C++
- Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language
- Stroustrup: A tour of C++ (2nd edition)
To obtain a certificate you need to:
- successfully complete assignment 0 (until November 11, 2020)
- obtain at least 50% of points in the assignment sheets
- pass the exam
Lecture dates:
- Lectures will take place on Wednesdays, 10:15-11:45, via Microsoft Teams
- The first lecture takes place on November 4th, 2020.
Tutorial dates:
- Tutorials will take place on Wednesdays from 14:15-15:45, via Microsoft Teams
- We will alternate between regular Office Hours and actual Tutorial sessions where we discuss the assignment sheets.
- 03.03.2021, starting 9 am, Time schedule
- 07.04.2021, starting 9 am, Time schedule
Registration for the lecture and the exam:
- Please register for the course in our Moodle to take part in the lectures and exercises.
- NOTE: Use your Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) credentials for logging into Moodle!
- Registration has been closed! Only enrolled students are now able to login.
- To take part in the exam, you need to register additionally here until one week before the (re-)examination date.
Course Material