This is a block pro-/seminar.
Tutor: Dr. Pedro Guimarães
Registration * | 09.04.2019-16.04.2019: REGISTER HERE |
Kick-off meeting [optional] | 03.06.2019, 14:00 in E2.1, room 206 |
Deadline to register in HISPOS OR de-register from seminar * | 24.06.2019 (3 weeks after the kick-off meeting) |
Deadline for feedback ** [optional] | 10.09.2019 (2 weeks before the presentations) |
Presentations | 24.09.2019 (place/time: see below) |
Summary submission deadline | 01.10.2019 (1 week after the presentations) |
* If you want to deregister from the seminar, please send the tutor an email irrespectively whether you (de)registered in HISPOS or not.
** If you would like to get feedback about your slides, e.g. to improve your presentation before the talk, send your slides to the tutor before the feedback deadline. We strongly encourage you to take this opportunity. Before sending in the slides, check out our presentations guidelines (presentation guidelines, presentation guidelines checklist). Please note: The more complete the submitted presentation the more helpful the feedback can be. Please try to avoid submitting half-finished slides. Hint Your slides will make up a substantial part of the final grade. Reading and paying attention to the provided presentation guidelines (see above) will help you to get an impression of which aspects are relevant for the evaluation. Disregarding many of the points listed in the guidelines may negatively affect your grade. Place and Time:
- E2.1, room 206, at 10 a.m.
Requirements for participation:
- Proseminar: at least in 3rd semester, Bioinformatics I
Certificate requirements:
- Successful presentation:
- Talk: 30 minutes
- Questions from the tutors/audience after the presentation
- Attendance to all presentations
- Submitting a summary (can have an impact on the final grade):
- Short description of the presented topic(s)
- Ca. 2 pages of text, i.e. excluding title (page), references, figures, tables etc.
- No figures, tables or formulas required
- Main structure: title page, main text, references
Final grade:
- Based on the given presentation (see “Certificate requirements”)
- May be influenced by the submitted summary
Nr. | Presentation | Topic | Participant |
1 | Proseminar | netDx: interpretable patient classification using integrated patient similarity networks | Matthias Flotho |
2 | Seminar | High‐resolution mapping of cancer cell networks using co‐functional interactions | Eva-Maria Paul |
3 | Seminar | Multi‐Omics Factor Analysis—a framework for unsupervised integration of multi‐omics data sets | Nancy Mekountchou |
4 | Seminar | Using deep learning to model the hierarchical structure and function of a cell | Solveig Andres |
5 | Seminar | Deep learning of mutation-gene-drug relations from the literature | Berit Andres |
6 | Seminar | Constructing prediction models from expression profiles for large scale lncRNA–miRNA interaction profiling | Jana Heß |