Computational Approaches in Bacterial Resistance Research

This is a block (pro)seminar covering topics related to bacterial antibiotic resistance.

Tutor: Valentina Galata


  • Registration: From April 25th to April 29th, 2016 HERE
    • If you already are in our database (e.g. you registered for other lectures/seminars) then you should provide the same personal information, otherwise the registration will not work
    • You will receive an email after the end of the registration period
  • Deadline: De-registration: July 8th, 2016
  • Deadline: 1st version of the slides: August 5th, 2016
  • Presentations: September 2nd, 2016
  • Deadline: Summary: September 9th, 2016

Place and Time: E2.1, room 206, 8:30 a.m. sharp

Requirements for participation:

  • Proseminar: at least in 3rd semester, Bioinformatics I

Certificate requirements:

  • Submitting the first version of the slides (see presentation guidelines, slide guidelines)
  • Successful presentation:
    • Talk: 30 minutes (proseminar); 40 minutes (seminar)
    • Questions from the audience after the presentation
  • Attendance to all presentations
  • Submitting a summary (ca. 2 pages)

Topics: The presentation should cover all papers assigned to a topic.

Nr. Presentation Topic Participant
1 Seminar 1) Kaiju: Fast and sensitive taxonomic classification for metagenomics Pan L.
2 Seminar 1) Inferring Horizontal Gene Transfer; 2) HGTector: an automated method facilitating genome-wide discovery of putative horizontal gene transfers Waqas D.
3 Seminar 1) MetaRef: a pan-genomic database for comparative and community microbial genomics Christian M.
4 Seminar 1) Multi-locus sequence typing: a tool for global epidemiology; 2) Inadequacies of minimum spanning trees in molecular epidemiology Muhammad R.
5 Seminar 1) Detection of second-line drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using oligonucleotide microarrays Kemi O.
6 Pro-Seminar 1) Rapid antibiotic-resistance predictions from genome sequence data for Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nancy M.